Thursday, September 2, 2010


Inappropriate pictures, statuses, tweets...all ways to provide us with too much information and it’s all I see daily on the Internet. Every time I sign online I feel like I’m learning way more about someone or something than I need to know. Even though Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter all have rules and regulations, these are not enough. The society we live in becomes more lenient year after year. Newer social rules have allowed us to get this far online or to be able to put ourselves 'out there' as much as we do.

What is ‘acceptable’ now, would never have been accepted even ten years ago. I say this, but I’m definitely no prude. I would actually like to think of myself as more of a free spirit, but there is still a LINE that should not be crossed when it comes to a personal life online. Also, I should point out I feel this way not only in regards to the Internet, but to TV, magazines, and just plain everyday life.

I’ve seen countless ‘updates’ disclosing TMI about personal lives, or pictures posted making you question whether you were actually on the right website!

Another form of TMI would be Youtube. I use this website all the time, it can be extremely entertaining, but disturbing just the same! I truly believe there is a fine line between all of these different forms of communication via the Internet. Hopefully someday we will be able to reach a happy medium, both online and in everyday life. JEI (just enough information? that would be nice) :)

1 comment:

  1. I like the JEI - Just Enough Information. That might make a good bumper sticker. Or Tweet! :)
